Setting up your home away from home can be an overwhelming task. Familiarize yourself with the items below before you shop to furnish new living space. Make sure you also review our Resident Student Handbook (PDF) for a complete list of prohibited items.
Bring It:
- Bedding for extra-long twin mattress (twin sheets will fit, but are a little snug). Don't forget your pillow!
- Towels and wash cloths
- Toiletries
- Food (cafeteria is open for lunch and dinner Monday-Thursday, and lunch on Friday)
- Toilet paper
- Shower curtain for Stall Shower
- Toilet Scrubber
- Plunger
- Cleaning supplies
- Clothes
Leave It:
- Candles, incense (these are against policy)
- Hammer and are not allowed to put holes in the walls (thumb tacks/push pins are ok)
- Personal microwave
- Toaster or toaster oven or anything with an open heating element.
- Personal grills
- Alcohol or illegal drug products or paraphernalia (against policy)
- Tobacco products (campus-wide: includes vapes and smokeless tobacco as well)
- Weapons of any kind
- Animals/pets, except for approved service animals and fish in 10 gallon or less aquarium
- Hoverboards (okay if you store in a personal vehicle)
- See the Resident Student Handbook (PDF) for complete list of prohibited items.
Get With Your Roommate Before Buying:
- Living room décor
- Bathroom décor (including shower curtain)
- Pots/pans
- Tableware
- Silverware
- Other kitchen necessities like a trashcan, mop and broom
Have You Thought About…
- A television for your bedroom (televisions are not provided for students)
- Mini fridge for bedroom (Not required, but nice to have; must be 3.5 cubic feet or smaller in size)
- Laundry detergent
- Coffee maker with auto shut off
- First-aid kit/supplies
- Supplies for class: notebooks, pens, folders/binders, 3-hole punch, highlighters, calculator, etc.
- Flashlight
- Umbrella